John 15:13-14

Most of the work displayed here are my own creations in writing, film, photography and other creative arts.
Debut Novel Giveaway
I am excited to share with you a GIVEAWAY to celebrate the release of my novel, Storms from the North (Book 1 of The Sunlight Series). For one person, they will get the choice of the possible prizes below worth up to $70. I will also select two runners-up who will receive a signed bookmark in the mail. Hooray! Three prizes! :)
This will be an easy contest with some simple ways to increase your entries.
To enter the contest, everyone must do these two simple steps:
You must like this post.
You must follow one of my social media accounts. You can find links to those on the homepage of this website. Please continue following my social media account even after the contest. Thanks! :)
***If you do these two steps, you will get one entry.***
To get more entries, you can do these (more details below):
Tag a friend as a separate comment below. (1 entry per comment)
Share this post publicly on your social media account and tag me and include the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . (1 entry per post every 24 hours)
Share this post publicly on a relevant group and use the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . (5 entries per post every 24 hours)
Share one of my advertisements for this novel publically to your social media account and tag me and include the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . (1 entry per share every 24 hours)
Share one of my advertisements for this novel to a relevant public group with the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . (5 entries per share)
***no spoilers*** Publicly post a picture of my book cover (paperback version, only) or your favorite selection from the novel AND tag me along with the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . You must also write something that you liked about the novel. (5 entries per post every 24 hours)
Thank you all in advance for helping me spread the word about Storms from the North! Once again, this giveaway ends Thursday, August 31st at 6 pm, Seoul Time or 5 am, EST). All entries after this time will not be considered, so enter now!
Rules for the Contest:
Giveaway closes on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 6 pm, Seoul Time or 5 am, EST. Any entry after this time will not be counted.
This is open to anyone around the world. Yet, if I notice any suspicious behavior (such as the use of bots), I might contact the person and remove them from the giveaway. I don’t want to do this, but I am worried of scammers trying to hijack this contest.
No giveaway accounts, and your post must be “public”. If you only share your posts to your friends, your entry will not count.
It is the discretion of the author (Christensen Low) to end this giveaway early. I don’t plan to, and I hope that it will run well until August 31st. Yet, please understand if I need to end it early. I will then give away the prizes to those who have already entered.
This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram or Facebook.
The first place winner can choose from these prizes: A. $70 Amazon gift card B. A signed copy of my novel mailed to you by ship (it will take up to two months to get to you). This copy is Edition 0 and was printed by myself for a few select people. I only made 30 copies, and I am down to around five. You will get one of the last! I will do my best to package it to where it is protected and will arrive safely, but there are no guarantees. C. A dojang with your name carved on it and mailed to you. A dojang is a traditional name stamp. They are still used in Korea but only rarely now (or for some official business). Yet, they are pretty easy to make here. ;) I will consult you on what type you might like and then choose the dojang. I will also do my best to get your name written correctly on the dojang, but I will coordinate that. This will be mailed to you by ship (which can take up to two months to arrive). I will do my best to package it to where it is protected and will arrive safely, but there are no guarantees.
Two runner-ups will receive a signed bookmark for my novel (one that I will choose for you). This will be mailed to you by ship (which can take up to two months to arrive). I will do my best to package it to where it is protected and will arrive safely, but there are no guarantees.
***I will take a picture of myself shipping all of these and send them to the winners. :)
How the Winner Will Be Drawn:
After 6 pm (Seoul Time) on Thursday, August 31st, I will draw names (winners). Most likely that will be the morning of Friday, September 1st.
I will notify the winner soon after the drawing via DM to arrange for the delivery of their prize and then a post for everyone to see.
More Details on How to Get Entries:
Tag a friend as a comment below. Each comment must be separate. You will get one entry per comment, and you can do this up to ten times.
Share this post to your social media account and tag me. Please also use the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . You must make sure that your privacy setting is on “public”. You can do this once every 24 hours until the giveaway is over (August 31st) and get one entry each time you do.
Share this post to a public group (the definition of a group for this giveaway is 3,000 members or more). You must use the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . Please use as many hashtags as you can! Yet, you must have #stormsfromthenorth . You will get five entries for this! The group must be relevant to the topics of the novel (readers, Korea, foreigners, and so forth). If you submit it to an unrelated group (a group on cooking, for instance), then I might not give you any entries. Please check if you want to make sure.
Share one of my advertisements for this novel to your social media account and tag me. Please also use the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . You must make sure that your privacy setting is on “public”. You will get one entry for this, and you can do this once every 24 hours until the giveaway is over (August 31st) and get one entry each time you do.
Share one of my advertisements for this novel to a public group (the definition of a group for this giveaway is 3,000 members or more). You must use the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . Please use as many hashtags as you can! Yet, you must have #stormsfromthenorth . You will get five entries for this! The group must be relevant to the topics of the novel (readers, Korea, foreigners, and so forth). If you submit it to an unrelated group (a group on cooking, for instance), then I might not give you any entries. Please check if you want to make sure.
***no spoilers*** Post a picture of my book cover (paperback version, only) or your favorite selection from the novel AND tag me. Please also use the hashtag #stormsfromthenorth . You must make sure that your privacy setting is on “public”. You must also write something you liked about the novel above the post. These are posts to share what you liked while reading my novel. If the post is unrelated to the novel or not sharing something you like about the novel, then I might not give you any entries. Please check if you want. You will get five entries for this, and you can do this once every 24 hours until the giveaway is over (August 31st) and get one entry each time you do.